Responding to Action Plans

Just beneath the 'device location' you will see the heading, "Action" (circled in blue). In the example above we can see there are 3 tasks that require an 'Action'.

Beside comments, you can also see the Total Audit Score and whether or not the audit passed/failed the assessment.

Action Plan

  • This portion represents the action plans that were inputted during the inspections. 
  • All tasks which require action, as well as other information such as the assigned employee, and due date will be displayed here. 

Next, click Show All to navigate to the Action Plan page. 

Here you can see the Action Plans with additional information such as  Status and Comments:

How to Mark a Status 'Closed' (Complete):

By default, every action will have a status set to 'Open'. This simply means that the action requires attention and has not yet been completed. To 'Close' an action, click on the orange status button and you'll notice the colour is greyed out and the status will update accordingly. 

How to Add a Comment:

To add a comment, start typing in the text box and when you're ready to submit press 'Comment'. 

You can also attach an  Image to a comment simply by clicking on the small picture icon.

To view previous comments (or the one you just made) click ' Show Comments'. 

Pro Tip: Using the dynamic filters can be a great way to zero in on specific information without the need for additional clicks. Using the search bar, you can enter an employee name (Assignee), an Action, or a specific task name or Category and the date will filter accordingly. The dropdowns provided will also allow you to filter specific information, display a certain category, or even flip between different assessment types for the location. 

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