A Guide to Audits 'In Progress'

Our latest feature on AuditApp, “In Progress Audits,” is designed to enhance the audit management experience on our system. With this addition, superusers and auditors can now seamlessly add actions and comments to audits that are in progress (on the mobile app). This means, you'll be able to use a PC to add comments and actions, as well as images.

There are a few important details that we recommend reviewing in order to avoid any lost or overwritten assessment data:

THE GOLDEN RULE: Always download the audit to the mobile app (from the cloud) using the merge button, before submitting or data loss will occur, and any work completed on the web will be lost.

Here are the steps:

1) Once the evaluation is complete on the mobile app, and you're ready to move to the computer, simply click on the 'merge' icon located in the top right corner of the category page:

2) Then, type in your name or an identifier, and click the upload (cloud) button:

3) Complete your assessment on the web by locating the 'In progress audits' which can be found under 'Location Reports'. Then, you can click on the pending inspection and add your comments.

4) Once complete, you finalize your inspection on the web, and head back to the AuditApp. You are now ready to download on the AuditApp. This process will ensure the work completed on the web gets transferred (merged) back onto the mobile app, in order to submit.

3) On the AuditApp (mobile) click on the same 'merge' button used before, and this time locate the download assessment button.

4) Select all of the Categories you wish to download, then click 'Merge'. Voila! Any comments or actions added from the web will now be shown on the mobile application.

Please note: If a specific standard has 1 action added on mobile, and a second action (updated action) was made on the web, the 2nd action (web) will replace the 1st action. This is a rare scenario but it's important to understand.

5) Submit the audit as you normally would. All comments and actions added from the web will be included in this joint submission!

If you have any questions, feel free to email help@meazureup.com

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