Starting a Laptop Audit (Scoreless)

Are you eager to initiate a scoreless audit conveniently from your desktop? This is your opportunity! You now have the capability to perform a scoreless audit, featuring similar functionalities as the AuditApp, but instead this is directly from your computer's comfort! 

Please note: Scored Audits are not possible at this time, however, they are intended to be implemented in the near future!

Step 1: Accessing the 'In Progress Audit' Tab

To get started, log in to your account and navigate to the 'Locations Report' tab situated on the left-hand side. Within this tab, locate the 'In Progress Audit' section. Click on this section to unveil the 'Start Audit' button positioned on the far right side. Please proceed by selecting this button.

Step 2: Starting a Scoreless Audit

Next, choose the location from the dropdown menu where you wish to commence the assessment. Then, select the desired scoreless assessment that you'd like to initiate. Once these selections are made, please click on 'Start'.

If you aren't seeing any assessments under the dropdown list, this is due to the audit's configuration and may require assistance. Please email and our team can assist further.

Step 3: Beginning a Scoreless Audit

Upon commencing the scoreless audit, you'll notice a prompt appearing in the top left corner of your screen, asking for your location to be shared. This is to ensure that the geographical location for the assessment is documented. During the course of conducting this scoreless audit, you'll have the ability to search for all standards. Each category is systematically organized, and you can expand them by clicking on the dropdown.

While working through a scoreless audit, you have the capability to complete it accordingly. If you require guidance on how to add an action or comment, simply click on the '+' symbol located under the Actions/Comments column, where you also have the capability of adding an image to each of these features.

Disclaimer: It's imperative to ensure that this audit is set up as a scoreless audit. If you're unsure about how to set this up or if the assessment is indeed scoreless, please reach out to one of our team members at, and we'll be delighted to assist you.

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