How to Create and Manage Standard (Task) Notifications

Are you eager to stay in the loop with real-time updates whenever critical standards are identified during an audit? Well, the excitement doesn't stop there! Now, you have the ability to tailor notifications, ensuring they reach the right users. Stay connected, stay informed, and let the magic of notifications keep you on top of your game!

Step 1: Accessing the 'Standard Notifications' Tab

Upon logging into your account, navigate to the 'Configuration' tab situated on the left-hand side. Within this tab, locate the 'Notifications' section. Clicking on this section will unveil a set of tabs, including the 'Standard Notifications' tab among them. Please proceed by selecting this tab.

Step 2: Creating Specific Standard Notifications

In the subsequent step, initiate the creation process by selecting the 'Create' option. This will enable you to craft the specific standard notifications that you wish to establish.

Step 3: Selecting Assessments and Standards

Within the 'Standard Notification' section, choose the assessment for which you intend to configure notifications. You will then need to select the specific standard inputs associated with the chosen assessment from the available options. Upon completion, proceed by clicking 'Next' located at the bottom right corner.

Step 4: Configuring Email Notifications

Next, designate the particular input for which you seek to set up email notifications. Customize the notification preferences according to your requirements, including selecting the desired recipient role and entering the respective email address in the designated field. Upon finalization, click 'Create' located at the bottom right corner. 

You now have the ability to notify external users, who may not exist in the MeazureUp system. For example, outside vendors. Simply input their email addresses and they will be set up to receive the following notifications. 

Please note: Each email address should be entered individually, separated by a comma.

Step 5: Reviewing and Managing 'Standard Notifications'

Following the setup of each 'Standard Notification,' you will have the option to review, edit, or delete it as needed. These management options are conveniently located on the far right side of each notification entry.

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