Setting Up Action Notifications

Are you interested in receiving real-time updates on specific actions, such as reminders or updates? The excitement continues! You now have the thrilling opportunity to configure your action notifications, ensuring they reach the relevant roles. Let’s get the ball rolling!

Step 1: Accessing the 'Action Notifications' Tab

To begin, log into your account and navigate to the 'Configuration' tab located on the left-hand side. Within this tab, find the 'Notifications' section. Clicking on this section will reveal a set of tabs, including the 'Action Notifications' tab. Please proceed by selecting this tab.

Step 2: Setting Up Action Notifications

To initiate the setup process, start with the first step of configuring the 'send a reminder on actions to' feature. Select the desired role from the dropdown menu to receive the notification. Then, proceed to set up the 'notify (designated role) when an update occurs' by selecting the appropriate role from the dropdown menu.

With your 'Action Notifications' now configured, you're all set to ensure accountability and keep the right individuals consistently informed and engaged with any updates made to the Action, such as status updates or new comments.

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