How to Create and Manage Roles

Under Configuration select Roles, then after selecting it, you will see the following appear:

Here you will be able to see the names and different types of roles available including what level of privilege they hold. With each level of privilege comes the ability to write, assess and/or read. There can be roles with multiple levels of privilege as it is fully configurable based on your organizational requirements. What appears here are the best practice settings that can be changed. 

Some Definitions:


  • Write- Ability to create, edit, change account information (this applies to the superuser role only)
    • Adding the 'Write' privilege to any other role will allow them to add actions on submitted assessments. This will not allow them to create, edit or change any account information unless they are a Superuser.
  • Assess- Ability to conduct Tablet Assessments
  • Read- Ability to view and analyze reports


  • Superuser- This role will have access to information in all accounts with all levels of privilege
  • Auditor- This role will have access to use the assessments they complete using the Tablet
  • Owner- This role will have access to read all information pertinent to their locations. 

To Create Privileges or Roles:

1) Under the heading "Name" you can write the name for the role you would like to create such as Area Manager or Auditor. 

2) Under the heading "Privilege" you can select from a drop-down the various levels available such as Write, Assess, Read. 

3) The options for a "Description" and "Reporting To" allow you to add an email for who that person reports to as well as a description of their role. These options are not mandatory.

Once you have completed filling in these sections, click the green "Create" button and the role will be added. 

To Edit or Delete Privileges or Roles:

Hover over one of the names or privileges and you will see on the right side a small pencil and garbage can appear. Click on the icon based on what action you would like to achieve and the same option as creating a role will appear. 



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