How to Send Action Plan Reminder Emails

By default, users who are configured to receive email notifications will also receive action plan reminder emails. Currently these will occur the day before an action is due, as well as the day after (assuming the action has not been completed). For more information on how to configure these automatic action plan email reminders,  click here.

We've taken this one step further as you can now trigger email reminders manually, as well as choose who gets notified. Here are the steps to send an action plan reminder email.

1) If you're unfamiliar with Action Plans, this guide will walk you through the basics:  Responding to Action Plans

2) From the Action Plans page, edit the 'Assigned' to name:

3) Type in the email address of the user you wish to notify, then click 'Save'. After doing so, you will notice a new icon appear.

4) Click the mail icon to send a reminder email to the user you just added to the 'Assigned' area. Repeat this step in order to send reminder emails to multiple users. 

Note: There is no limit on the amount of emails/users you can send reminders to.

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