How to Set Up Self Assessments

If you're looking to take advantage of self assessments or practice evaluations, you've come to the right place. This guide will explain the benefits of self assessments, and walk through the configuration steps in order to go live at the store level.

Why Self Assessments?

Self Assessments allow your stores to perform practice inspections and ultimately ensure consistency across the organization.

Here’s how Self Assessments will help your brand:

  • Allow stores to better prepare for their upcoming inspection
  • Proactively gain insight into category scoring and performance
  • Understand which critical tasks might be impacting your overall score
  • Ensure that brand standards are followed across the board to maintain consistency
  • Build confidence and eliminate any surprises during the inspection

Do I need to create a brand new assessment?

Yes, and with our new ‘copy assessment’ button, you’ll be able to quickly create an exact duplicate of your current evaluation. From there, simply rename the inspection and customize it with minor tweaks if you’d like to add or eliminate certain standards.

For Example: Operational Audit - Self Assessment or Store Walkthrough - Monthly Inspection 

Once completed, be sure to update the notification settings to include the newly created self assessment. For steps on updating email notifications, click here.

Heads up - If you have any special scoring setup or utilize our advanced rules, please contact our support team to assist with the configuration as these setups will require some additional updates from our team.

How to Utilize Self Assessments 

1) Under Configuration>Users, edit any store level user by clicking the pencil icon, and then 'Assessments'. In order to toggle on specific assessments for the practice evaluations, this user must have the 'read' privilege.

2) From the next window, you can now safely toggle ON the individual assessments which you would like this user to have access to conducting inspections for. This can be done by toggling on the 'Enable Assess' switch. 

The checkboxes on the left represent the assessments which this user has access to. The toggles on the right (Enable Assess) indicate the specific assessments that this store/user should have access to on the mobile application (AuditApp), to conduct in-store self assessments. Our recommendation is to keep the checkboxes (on the left) active for all assessment types unless there is a very specific or unique setup.

3) Save and hit Submit to finalize the changes. The store user will now be able to conduct self inspections from the AuditApp.

A few things to consider:

  • In order to take advantage of this feature, please ensure the user roles are configured first. Any store level users who would like to activate this setting must be given the read privilege. For most common setups, this should already be the case.
  • Once the roles are set, you can enable the ‘assess’ privilege toggle on individual users and their Self Assessments. With this setup, store level users will have exclusive access to their practice assessment in the mobile application (AuditApp).
  • Failure to utilize the correct roles and privileges will result in conflicts, as store users will be able to view and conduct their corporate inspections, which will ultimately affect the corporate averages.

What if I’ve already been conducting Self Assessments?

  • Our recommendation here is simple. First create a duplicate assessment, then change the permission for the store role from ‘assess’ to 'read'. Lastly, you can toggle the ‘assess’ privilege on specific users to enable usage on the AuditApp mobile application. This is where evaluations are completed. 
  • By doing so, you create separation between corporate and store evaluations. Stores will no longer have access to completing a corporate inspection by mistake, and will still be able to access completed corporate reports via email and on the web/dashboard. 

If you'd like to learn more, feel free to email our staff at for support.

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