Email Report Notifications

When an assessment is submitted, an automatic email report will be sent out to all relevant stakeholders. The 'Notifications' page will allow you to specify who receives which type of assessment. 

In order to receive an email report automatically, please ensure both of the following requirements are met:

  • The user is connected to the location which the assessment was submitted for. (See How to Create and Manage Users)
  • The user's role as well as the assessment type have been added to the notification settings.

1) Head over to the Notifications page by clicking Configuration>Notifications

2) Select the Role(s) you wish to send email notifications to. You can select as many roles as you wish.

3) Select the Assessment(s) which should be sent to the Role(s).

4) Hit 'Create' to finalize the settings. 

5) Repeat this process for any users/roles who should only be receiving notifications for a particular assessment. This step will only apply if your brand has multiple assessment lists (Ex: The 'QA Manager' role should only receive the 'Food Safety Assessments').

For Example: If you want to ensure all of the Auditors are receiving email reports upon submitting an assessment, simply add the auditor role (or whichever custom role your auditors have) to the notification roles, and ensure the correct assessment(s) are selected.

Pro Tip: If you are looking to omit a specific user (as opposed to an entire role) from receiving notifications, try creating a new role for that user. This will give you added flexibility when managing users, roles and email notifications.

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