How to Create a New Location

Under Configuration select Locations, and you will see the following appear:

Here you can view a complete list of your locations, which can be filtered by any one of the Categories by clicking on the header name. (Ex: filter by 'Type' or 'Alias') Individual locations can be edited or deleted. 

To Add a New Location:

1) Enter a Brand If you have different brands in your organization) - Optional

2) Enter an Alias (Typically denotes a location # or commonly used name such as "Burbank - 184") - The Alias name is what appears on the mobile application. Feel free to update the Alias name as you see fit.

3) Enter the Store Address (Note: You must select your address from the dropdown)

4) Enter the Store Type (Ex: DineIn) - This step is required for the location to appear on the mobile application for inspections. To learn more about location 'types' and how to utilize them, click here for a comprehensive guide. 

5) Enter the Market (To filter by a geographical location) - Optional

6) Select or Deselect 'Corporate' depending on the type of store.

7) Click 'Create' and your location will be added to the list!

Please note: By default, 'superusers' will automatically be assigned to any new location added. If you would like an existing user (owner, auditor, etc.) to have access to a new location, please ensure they are assigned to that location from the User list. Click here to learn how to edit existing users.

Pro Tip: Use the search bar to quickly pull a list of locations and filter by keywords. 

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