How to Edit an Existing User
Follow the steps below to change the assigned locations (or the role) for a particular user:
1) Hover your mouse over the user you would like to edit, then click on the pencil icon.
2) To add/remove locations to the user, click the Roles button, and the list of locations will appear.
3) Select or de-select the desired locations that the user should have access to.
4) When you are finished, click the Save button, then hit Close.
5) The last and most important step is to click the green Submit button to save your changes. If you made a mistake or are unsure of the changes you are about to make, click the Cancel button.
Pro tip: If you have many locations, feel free to search/filter by physical address, brand, or alias name.
How to Change the Email of a User :
To edit the email of a user, simply delete the old user account from the system and add in the new email address just as you would with a brand new user. The user will have to verify their account by logging in once from the new email address.